Monday, April 12, 2010

Frankie Boyle in being offensive shock horror.

So, it looks like Fitbablog's favourite dark-humoured Scottish comedian is in a bit of trouble again.

Just months after he was in the news for his comments over Gold-Medalist Rebecca Adlinton ("She looks someone looking at themselves at the back of a spoon") and comments about the Queen (which I won't mention here as the concept makes me a bit ill) as well as quitting the show that brought him to the public eye Mock the Week (due to censorship), he has managed to offend someone again, on the opening night of his stand up tour no less. Take a bow, son!

This time, he managed to offend the mother of a child suffering from Down's Syndrome. More info here

Quite what Sharon Smith was expecting when she and her husband bought front row tickets to see Frankie Boyle, a comic known for not pulling any punches I don't know, but it does seem a bit hypocritical to have no problems with his act until one of the things he skewers happens to resonate with her.

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